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Governance and diplomacy

Governance and diplomacy


Successfully addressing and solving the climate crisis can only be achieved through cooperation, across countries and regions, as well as within countries, governments and societies. Effective multilevel governance processes and institutions are needed not only to facilitate cooperation but also to enable the development and effective implementation of climate policies and measures. This includes well-resourced institutional capacities, effective communication channels and  regulatory and legislative systems. At the international level strengthening multilateral institutions – including the UNFCCC and related bodies – in addition to  dialogue processes such as the G7 and G20 are important elements to advance the development and implementation of the climate policy architecture. Climate diplomacy plays a key role in creating ambition coalitions and ultimately driving transformative change.

We support the development of effective climate governance and diplomacy through:

  • Assessment of governance frameworks and good practices
  • Capacity building of stakeholders and institutions
  • Facilitating exchange of good practice internationally
  • Supporting climate diplomacy efforts through targeted inputs and analysis
Ensuring effective, ambitious, mutually-beneficial EU Climate Partnerships

The new EU cycle represents a critical moment for both the EU and international climate policy. The EU faces shifting geopolitical...

Strategic Horizon Scanning (Klimascan)

The project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA...

Institutional reforms to elevate climate in EU foreign policy

The European Elections in June 2024 will define the power balance in the next European Parliament, which will then elect the new EU...

Climate Audit of German and EU Foreign Diplomacy

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and despite rhetoric of building back better, the world is currently on track towards 2.7°C of...

Climate Action Tracker - Climate Governance Series

On behalf of ClimateWorks Foundation, NewClimate Institute and Climate Analytics developed the Climate Action Tracker’s Climate...

EU Climate diplomacy

In a consortium with E3G, Acclimatise and Perspectives, under the leadership of ICF International, NewClimate Institute supported a...

International Cooperative Initiatives (ICIs) outside the UNFCCC

The German Environmental Agency (UBA) commissioned a consortium of NewClimate Institute, Öko-Institut and Fraunhofer ISI to analyse the...

How much more could Germany achieve through non-state action?

NewClimate Institute quantified the possible contribution of International Cooperative Initiatives to the mitigation of greenhouse gas...

Training workshop on NAMAs in the Maldives

NewClimate Institute supported a NAMA training in the Maldives organised by the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)...

Governing NAMAs

This research project undertaken by a consortium consisting of NewClimate Institute, the Center for Climate and Policy Research (CPRS)...

Transforming EU Foreign Policy: Reforms to elevate climate
Publication date 15 Jul 2024

As the 2024-2029 EU cycle begins, the EU has an opportunity to solidify its role as a climate leader and global competitor. To do this...

EU Climate Partnerships – Fit for Purpose?
Publication date 23 May 2024

The world has undergone significant changes since the start of the Von der Leyen Commission in 2019. The European Union (EU) faces...

Mobile Work in the future - Climate Protection Opportunities and Risks
Publication date 05 Jan 2024

In the future, more and more people will probably no longer work in the office at the company's location or public institution, but...

NewClimate Institute at COP28
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023. NewClimate Institute was present in...

Powers and capacities of state and regional governments
Publication date 11 Jul 2023

The mitigation potential of states and regions is extremely big: The sum of all regions in the world almost add up to the global level...

Climate Audit of the EU’s Foreign Policy
Publication date 28 Apr 2023

The European Green Deal shifted climate to a central pillar of the European political agenda. It sets out the ambition to be a climate...

Climate Audit of German Foreign Policy
Publication date 06 Oct 2022

The “traffic light” government that came to power at the end of 2021 set out to realign Germany’s approach to climate diplomacy, make...

Sector level climate planning for national and international policy making
Publication date 06 Dec 2021

This guidance offers a stepwise approach to policy makers on how to set up an effective sector level planning process, highlighting the...

Working together to achieve the Paris climate goals and sustainable development
Publication date 20 Sep 2021

This study shows how transformative change can bring about sustainable development, prevent climate change from spiralling out of...

The Challenges of Assessing “Collective Progress”: Design Options for an effective Global Stocktake process under the UNFCCC
Publication date 07 May 2021

The Paris Agreement established a Global Stocktake process as a key safeguard mechanism to facilitate enhancement of the NDCs toward...

Reforming EU Institutions: Pathways to Stronger Climate Leadership and Foreign Policy
Publication date 15 Aug 2024

Despite the rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament, climate action is here to stay. A strong climate foreign policy is...

COP28 needs to switch mode from finding the smallest common denominator to achieving what was before unimaginable
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023, at the end of another year of...

Upcoming Spanish elections could hamper European climate diplomacy at a time when it should be a top priority
Publication date 03 Jul 2023

Spain takes over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union as of 1 July. Normally a time of new agenda setting, this...

Koalition braucht dringend einheitliche Klima-Außenpolitik
Publication date 12 Oct 2022

Die mit einer vielbeachteten Vision angetretene Ampelregierung agiert in der Außenpolitik noch ohne klaren Kompass. Das darf sich...

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