Our topics

Energy transition

Design, evaluation and implementation of sustainable policies and measures that drive sector transformation and support the successful transition to sustainable low carbon energy systems.

Sustainable energy


The energy sector is at the heart of the climate challenge. Staying within the 1.5°C temperature limit requires the rapid and full decarbonisation of the entire sector away from fossil fuel based to clean energy systems. This includes the production of energy and power as well as the way we use it in transport, buildings and industry processes. Effective policies, which allow for the widespread application, investment and use of clean energy technologies and energy efficiency measures, need to be adopted urgently across all countries in the world. Although the transition to clean energy systems creates multiple benefits for societies and economies,many governments find themselves locked-in to  fossil- based, inefficient systems and practices. Mutual learning on effective strategies to limit their dependency on carbon intensive fuels can help to drive real systems change.

The NewClimate team of climate and energy experts supports the design, evaluation and implementation of clean energy policies and measures across the power, transport, buildings and industry sectors in many parts of the world. This includes:

  • Design and analysis of renewable energy and energy efficiency policies
  • Evaluation and quantification of the impact of different policies and measures
  • Analysis of sector decarbonisation pathways and scenarios
  • Development of sector level benchmarks to enable tracking of progress
Financing Coal Phase-out: The Role of Public Development Banks

Limiting global average temperature rise to 1.5°C requires stopping the construction of new coal power plants, and that many existing...

Finance needs for Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership

Indonesia announced a Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) with the G7, Denmark and Norway at the G20 summit, hosted in Bali in...

Tracking the progress of subnational and non-state climate action

Page navigation About the project The consortium Relevant publications About the project CAMDA is a community of data and analytical...

Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia (SEA) is the fastest developing region in the world with an energy demand projected to grow by 70% in the next 20 years...

Climate Action Tracker – Decarbonisation Module

In a consortium with Climate Analytics and Ecofys, NewClimate Institute contributes to the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) Data Portal...

Supporting the Tunisian Solar Plan NAMA

NewClimate Institute is supporting the development of a NAMA for the Tunisian Solar Plan (PST). The project is conducted under the...

Evaluation of Agora Energiewende

The energy transition has evolved but is far from being complete. The central question is no longer whether there is the need for an...

Development of the second National Energy Efficiency Action Plan in Lebanon

NewClimate Institute supported the development of the second National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) of Lebanon. The support was...

The contribution of energy efficiency to reducing the cost of decarbonisation

Together with Fraunhofer ISI and the Greenwerk, NewClimate Institute analysed how energy efficiency policies can contribute to limit...

Development of a NAMA proposal for Peru

NewClimate Institute supported the Peruvian government to develop a NAMA proposal in the frame of Peru’s renewable energy and climate...

Navigating the Transition to Net-zero Emissions in Southeast Asia – Energy Security, the Role of Gaseous Energy Carriers and Renewables-based Electrification
Publication date 12 Jun 2024

A new research brief underscores that rapid expansion of renewable electricity and electrification of energy end users are essential...

Green Hydrogen for Sustainable Development: The Role of Multilateral Development Banks
Publication date 16 May 2024

This report examines the potential role of multilateral development banks (MDBs) in ensuring that Global South producer countries...

Understanding finance needs for a just transition of the Mexican power sector
Publication date 08 May 2024

Supporting a just transition in Mexico needs reliable finance estimates Achieving a just transition of the power sector requires...

Caution on co-firing, retrofitting, and carbon credits for retirement: Considerations for public development banks on coal phase-out risks
Publication date 07 Mar 2024

This report was co-written by NewClimate Institute and the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE). The first global stocktake decision...

Financing coal phase-out: Public development banks’ role in the early retirement of coal plants
Publication date 07 Mar 2024

This report was co-written by NewClimate Institute and the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE). Limiting global average temperature...

Identifying finance needs for a just transformation of Indonesia’s power sector
Publication date 21 Feb 2024

An analysis using the Just Energy Transition Finance Needs tool // JET-FIN Indonesia’s Just Energy Transition Partnership (or ’JETP’)...

NewClimate Institute at COP28
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023. NewClimate Institute was present in...

The role of green hydrogen in a just, Paris-compatible transition
Publication date 01 Nov 2023

While sustainable development and global equity are at the core of the Paris Agreement, inequalities between wealthy and poor countries...

Deutsche LNG-Ausbaupläne führen zu Überkapazität und gefährden Klimaschutzziele
Publication date 17 Mar 2023

Dieser Bericht liefert einen Review und eine klimapolitische Einordnung der aktuellen Studienlage zu neuen und geplanten Flüssigerdgas...

Plans for German liquefied natural gas terminals are massively oversized
Publication date 13 Dec 2022

You can find a German version of the report here. Germany’s planned LNG import terminals are not necessarily required to compensate for...

TRACE - Co-benefits in decarbonising transport

The Transport sector climate action co-benefits evaluation tool, or TRACE, is an Excel-based model to support quantitative evaluation...

Reliance on fossil gas risks climate goals and energy security in Southeast Asia: experts
Publication date 25 Jun 2024

Southeast Asia, the fastest-growing region in the developing world, is at a crossroads. On the one hand, it seeks to develop its...

COP28 needs to switch mode from finding the smallest common denominator to achieving what was before unimaginable
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC (COP) takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023, at the end of another year of...

Walking the tightrope of Indonesia's energy transition: Boosting jobs or leaving coal communities behind?
Publication date 08 Nov 2023

As the Government of Indonesia prepares to publicly launch its first iteration of plans to deliver on the goals of the Just Energy...

The ambition loop in motion for electric vehicles in the automotive industry
Publication date 29 Oct 2021

This blog post is based on the findings of the project Analysing the aggregate impact of global non-state and subnational climate...

Gas investment is not the solution to the current energy crisis
Publication date 21 Oct 2021

Much of the world currently finds itself in the midst of an energy crisis tied to jumps in the price of gas. Expanded investments in...

Evento virtual: Necesidades financieras para la transición justa del sector energético mexicano
Venue Online
Date 10 Jul 2024
Start time 05:30 pm

En este seminario web, presentaremos nuestra publicación reciente "Understanding finance needs for a just transition of the Mexican...

Report launch: Navigating the transition to net-zero emissions in Southeast Asia
Venue Online
Date 11 Jun 2024
Start time 10:00 am

The evolving global energy landscape presents a pivotal moment for Indonesia, Viet Nam, the Philippines, and Thailand, the focus...

Workshop: Introduction to the European CBAM and implications for China
Venue Hybrid, virtual and in person
Date 20 Oct 2023
Start time 09:00 am

As part of the Sino-German Climate Change Policy Exchange Seminar organised by National Center for Climate Change Strategy and...

Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue: Trends and challenges in Southeast Asia
Venue BETD and online
Date 30 Mar 2023
Start time 10:00 am

Organiser: Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (ETP), Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) Location: Online and on-site ( Design...

Virtual event: Systems Change for People and Planet: What You Need to Know
Venue Online
Date 02 Mar 2023
Start time 04:00 pm

To limit global temperature rise, conserve nature, and build a fairer economy that benefits everyone, we will need deep change across...

Online event: Climate Action in Africa
Venue Online
Date 12 Dec 2022
Start time 03:00 pm

The Climate Action Tracker held a virtual event on Monday, December 12 entitled: “What’s next for the African continent? Charting a...

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