Browse projects

Browse projects
Achieving High-Integrity Voluntary Climate Action (ACHIEVE)

This project identifies opportunities to strengthen and scale up voluntary climate action, with the aim of achieving a worldwide net-zero society by 2050.

Tracking the progress of subnational and non-state climate action

This project aims to further advance the understanding of the universe of global subnational and non-state climate action, the potential impact of these actors on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their actual progress.

Net Zero Tracker

The Net Zero Tracker aims to increase transparency and accountability of net zero targets pledged by nations, states and regions, cities and companies.

The Netherlands’ fair contribution to climate change mitigation

This project assesses the proposed target pathway of the Netherlands’ government in the context of the required global efforts and the country’s historical responsibility and capability, which are both key principles of the international efforts against climate change and the Paris Agreement. The analysis finds that the Netherlands’ proposed target pathway of a 55%/70%/80% reduction below 1990 by 2030/2035/2040 and greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050 cannot be considered fully compatible with the Paris Agreement 1.5°C limit.

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM)

Our objective is to develop robust, evidence-based research and advocacy to help facilitate credible, transparent corporate climate action and pledges.

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