Carsten Warnecke has deep long-standing expertise in international carbon markets and co-founded NewClimate Institute. With over fifteen years of on-the-ground experience he has led many research and consultancy projects for a variety of public and private sector clients. His recent research activities focus on the climate impact of ICAO’s CORSIA scheme, the implementation of Article 6 in line with the ambition of the Paris Agreement and the urgency of IPCC 1.5°C report as well as the piloting of Article 6 and ITMO transfers and offset credit supply potentials from CDM, VCS, Gold Standard and CAR. This includes concepts for ambition raising, the future of the voluntary market after 2020, contributions to overall mitigation and framework concepts for the integration of SDG in market mechanisms. He led a comprehensive evaluation of the CDM, which resulted in a unique database on the status of existing project-based activities. This data informed various research activities and led to a large number of publications, including in Nature Climate Change.

In the past Carsten contributed to the further development of the Flexible Kyoto Mechanisms (CDM, JI), further project-based instruments such as domestic and voluntary approaches, emissions trading systems (ETS), monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) approaches and non-market-based approaches such as NAMAs and results-based financing (RBF). He led CDM market support studies, work for the further development of domestic JI in Germany, contributed to the development of monitoring and reporting guidelines for new activities in the EU ETS as well as support to the EU Commission for the evaluation of the ETS implementation at the level of member states. Before co-founding NewClimate Institute, Carsten worked for a leading consultancy firm, where he was content lead for market-based mechanisms within a broader climate policy landscape. Prior to that Carsten managed the MRV & Issuance unit of a CDM and Gold Standard project developer.

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
Publication date 09 Apr 2024

The 2024 Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM) analyses the climate strategies of 51 major global companies, critically...

Shifting voluntary climate finance to the high hanging fruit of climate action
Publication date 21 Jul 2023

The high hanging fruit of mitigation potential refers to the technologies and measures to decarbonise emission sources that remain...

A guide to climate contributions: Taking responsibility for emissions without offsetting
Publication date 05 Jul 2023

This document aims to help address a growing demand for guidance on how companies can take responsibility for their emissions by...

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2023
Publication date 13 Feb 2023

For the 2024 iteration of the Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, click here. The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor...

Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

The Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, conducted by NewClimate Institute in collaboration with Carbon Market Watch, assesses the...

Appraising policy choices for Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Rules for the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement are still under negotiation at the international level, with a key...

Understanding Climate Neutrality and Net Zero Targets

A growing number of countries and companies are setting climate neutrality or “net-zero” targets. Although the apparent growth in...

CORSIA: Analysis and evaluation of regulating international aviation emissions through offsetting

The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) is a flagship regulation of the International Civil...

Future role for voluntary carbon markets after 2020

As we transition from the Kyoto to Paris era, the role for the voluntary carbon market to support climate action faces uncertainty and...

Analysis of pre-2020 developments in the global carbon market

The German Emission Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) contracted a consortium, led by NewClimate...

Estimation of the carbon offset credit supply potential

The carbon offset credit supply potential tools provide bottom-up estimates of the volume of credits that could be issued under a range...

COP27: The carbon market debate: are carbon credits necessary to achieve net-zero?
Venue COP27, IETA BusinessHub, Side Event Room
Date 10 Nov 2022
Start time 09:00 am

This session featured diverse voices debating whether carbon credits and offsets are necessary to achieve net-zero emissions. A panel...

Workshop: The role of offsetting in ambition raising and net-zero
Venue IEA-IETA-EPRI GHG Trading Workshop
Date 22 Oct 2020

Carsten Warnecke presented on "The role of offsetting in ambition raising and net-zero" at the 20th IEA-IETA-EPRI GHG Trading Workshop...

Event: Offsetting emissions under CORSIA - Analysing the potential supply of credits
Venue Innovate4Climate
Date 04 Jun 2019

Carsten Warnecke presented on "Offsetting emissions under CORSIA - Analysing the potential supply of credits" at Innovate4Climate in...

Event: Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions under CORSIA
Venue Innovate4Climate in Frankfurt
Date 22 May 2018

Carsten Warnecke, Thomas Day, Harry Fearnehough and Lambert Schneider presented on "Costs and climate impact of offsetting emissions...

Event: Innovative financing options for the Adaptation Fund
Venue COP22
Date 09 Nov 2016

Carsten Warnecke from NewClimate Institute presented at COP22 in Marrakesh on innovative financing options for the Adaptation Fund. 09...

Press Release – Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2024
Publication date 09 Apr 2024

Slow improvement in companies’ climate targets threatened by potential new offsetting loophole Berlin, 09 April 2024 – Despite...

Urgent need for regulatory intervention to turn the tide on misleading corporate climate pledges
Publication date 03 Nov 2022

09.11.2022: Update with reaction to the announcement from the High Level Expert Group (HLEG) The UN High-Level Expert Group on Net-Zero...

Press Release – Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor 2022
Publication date 07 Feb 2022

Go to the report / Read the Q&A with the authors Download the methodology / Watch press conference Major companies largely fail net...

NewClimate Institute at the COP26 in Glasgow
Publication date 29 Oct 2021

The 26th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC took place from 31 October - 12 November 2021. NewClimate Institute was present in Glasgow...

Switzerland’s bilateral agreements to offset their emissions set a poor precedent for ambition ahead of COP26
Publication date 28 Oct 2021

Photo by Mostafa Meraji through Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 3.0. No changes were made except for a format change. Switzerland has...

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