855 results found

Virtual Event: Cities and Buildings in Transition: Systems Change for a Resilient Future
Venue Online
Date 31 Oct 2024
Start time 15:00

High-level voices in these fields will come together to discuss the major shifts needed for sustainable cities and buildings, where we are falling behind, and where we are finding signals of hope. Join us to discover the role of cities and buildings in systems change.

Virtual Launch: How market reforms can drive renewable energy growth in Southeast Asia
Venue Online
Date 29 Oct 2024
Start time 09:30

In this webinar, we will present the report’s key findings and examine their implications for each of the four countries. The session will kick off with a presentation of the report, followed by a panel discussion featuring country experts.

The role of environmental attribute certificates for corporate climate strategies
Publication date 21 Oct 2024

This paper provides an overview of potential commodity EACs and describe the relevant nuances and challenges to shed light on the approach.

Progress of major emitters towards climate targets | 2024 update
Publication date 16 Oct 2024

In our 2024 update report, we modelled greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions towards 2030 based on countries’ policies as of July 2024 and compared these emissions to countries’ current NDC targets to evaluate whether countries are on track to meet them.

Briefing: 24/7 renewable electricity matching is a far more credible approach for the GHG Protocol and the SBTi than the Emissions First Partnership proposal
Publication date 10 Oct 2024

This page is a Q&A briefing on the importance of 24/7 renewable electricity matching and the technical issues of the competing Emissions First Partnership proposals.

Navigating regenerative agriculture in corporate climate strategies
Publication date 26 Sep 2024

This report takes a deeper look at regenerative agriculture use by 30 multinational food and agriculture companies, especially with regards to its role in reaching corporate GHG emission reduction targets.

Press release: CAT rates COP29 host Azerbaijan's climate action " Critically insufficient"
Publication date 25 Sep 2024

After weakening its updated NDC, removing its 2030 target altogether, and with its pledge to markedly increase fossil fuel production and consequentially increase methane emissions, COP29 host Azerbaijan has earned a "Critically Insufficient" rating from the Climate Action Tracker, in an analysis released today.

Report Launch: 1.5°C-aligned wind and solar targets for the new NDCs
Venue Online
Date 23 Sep 2024
Start time 16:00

As countries prepare to set new climate targets in their updated NDCs following a global commitment to triple renewables at COP28, Climate Analytics and NewClimate Institute present new analysis on what a 1.5°C-aligned rollout of wind and solar could look like for key countries.

Setting 1.5°C compatible wind and solar targets: Guidance for key countries
Publication date 23 Sep 2024

This report and its accompanying series of country briefings provides a roadmap for a 1.5°C-aligned rollout of wind and solar energy for 11 countries

Net Zero Stocktake 2024
Publication date 23 Sep 2024

Assessing the status and trends of net zero target setting across countries, sub-national governments and companies.

Impact of delayed climate action on Germany's transport sector

The German transport sector is lagging in climate action. Delayed reductions in emissions will require drastic measures to achieve climate neutrality by 2045.

From offsetting push to new NDCs: What to watch out for at Climate Week NYC 2024
Publication date 16 Sep 2024

With this summer marking the hottest on record and following a year where the global annual temperature exceeded 1.5˚C, the urgency for accelerated and more effective climate action has never been clearer. As we approach COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, critical discussions around the most pressing climate topics – from climate finance, corporate accountability in climate action to national climate targets for 2035 – are laying the groundwork for the UN’s main climate conference. As the countdown to COP29 continues, Climate Week NYC, the largest annual climate event of its kind, will take place from...

Wie ausbleibender Klimaschutz im Verkehr künftige Generationen belastet
Publication date 12 Sep 2024

Deutschland und der Verkehrssektor in Deutschland insbesondere hinken beim Klimaschutz hinterher. Je länger Reduktionen verzögert werden, desto dringender und disruptiver werden die Maßnahmen, wenn gesetzte Ziele immer noch erreicht werden sollen.

VCMI’s revised Scope 3 proposal could distract from and delay immediate climate action, undermining front-runners' efforts
Publication date 02 Sep 2024

Amid growing controversy over potentially loosening rules for offsetting corporate emissions, the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity initiative (VCMI) has released a second proposal for its contentious Scope 3 Claim.

Reforming EU Institutions: Pathways to Stronger Climate Leadership and Foreign Policy
Publication date 15 Aug 2024

Despite the rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament, climate action is here to stay. A strong climate foreign policy is crucial to maintain European competitiveness and global leadership in climate action. The new EU political cycle is the right moment for the EU to carry out essential institutional reforms to strengthen its climate foreign policy. Without these reforms, the EU risks losing its position in the global clean economy.

Unpacking Germany’s hydrogen import strategy: 3 considerations for Global South partners
Publication date 07 Aug 2024

In this article, we unpack Germany’s hydrogen import strategy and highlight three key considerations for Global South countries looking to export hydrogen to Germany.

SBTi’s plans for its net zero standard revision may offer a promising way past the disruptive offsetting dispute
Publication date 30 Jul 2024

Following months of polarised wrangling over the potential role of offsetting to meet corporate climate targets, the SBTi has published two papers which shed light on the future trajectory of the initiative’s standards.

Transforming EU Foreign Policy: Reforms to elevate climate
Publication date 15 Jul 2024

As the next EU cycle begins, the EU must reform its climate diplomacy to maintain leadership and competitiveness amidst rising geopolitical tensions and climate impacts. Our latest report shows that strong leadership, clear mandates, resources, and effective structures are essential to integrate climate across all foreign policy domains.

Promoting low-carbon and climate-resilient development in Argentina

Supporting Argentina’s climate action and NDC implementation in key economic sectors.

Evento virtual: Necesidades financieras para la transición justa del sector energético mexicano
Venue Online
Date 10 Jul 2024
Start time 17:30

En este seminario web, presentaremos nuestra publicación reciente, donde se estiman diversos componentes de las necesidades financieras relacionadas con el retiro anticipado de la infraestructura de combustibles fósiles, el desarrollo de energías renovables y la transición de personas trabajadoras, comunidades y regiones de manera justa.

Joint Statement: Why carbon offsetting undermines climate targets
Publication date 02 Jul 2024

We call for scientific, ambitious, equitable, robust, credible and transparent rules around carbon accounting and corporate climate target setting. Voluntary and regulatory frameworks on climate transition planning must exclude offsetting.

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