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Wie ausbleibender Klimaschutz im Verkehr künftige Generationen belastet
Publication date 12 Sep 2024

Deutschland und der Verkehrssektor in Deutschland insbesondere hinken beim Klimaschutz hinterher. Je länger Reduktionen verzögert werden, desto dringender und disruptiver werden die Maßnahmen, wenn gesetzte Ziele immer noch erreicht werden sollen.

The Climate Action Tracker's guide to a good 2035 climate target
Publication date 10 Jun 2024

The CAT released its "Guide to a good 2035 target" at the climate talks in Bonn, Germany today, setting out a detailed, four-point recipe of key elements governments need to include in their next round of climate targets (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs), to be submitted to the UNFCCC from November this year.

Climate policy in 2023
Publication date 04 Apr 2024

National and international climate policy advances in many areas but also faces substantial domestic hurdles in others. In this publication, we outline critical national and international climate policy developments from 2023.

Climate Action Tracker Briefing: COP28 initiatives will only reduce emissions if followed through
Publication date 09 Dec 2023

We estimate that of the total emissions savings that could be achieved by the pledges, around a quarter is already included in government NDCs, around a quarter is additional and achievable, and around half is unlikely to be achieved without further action to improve the initiatives.

Climate Change Performance Index 2024
Publication date 08 Dec 2023

The Climate Change Performance Index monitors climate mitigation progress of 63 countries and the European Union, together responsible for more than 90% of global emissions.

Climate Action Tracker Briefing: No change to warming as fossil fuel endgame brings focus onto false solutions
Publication date 05 Dec 2023

Despite government promises, warming projections have not improved since Glasgow two years ago, amid worsening climate impacts, the Climate Action Tracker finds in a their latest briefing.

Five major shifts since the Paris Agreement that give hope in a just, Paris-compatible transition
Publication date 23 Nov 2023

An overview of what has been achieved in the last decade in international climate policy at the global level focussing on the positive trends.

NewClimate Institute at COP28
Publication date 22 Nov 2023

The 28th Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC takes place from 30 November - 12 December 2023. NewClimate Institute will be present in Dubai participating in multiple events and releasing new analyses.

The Emissions Gap Report 2023
Publication date 20 Nov 2023

This is the 2023 edition of the UNEP Emissions Gap Report series, which tracks our progress in limiting global warming well below 2°C and pursuing 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement.

State of Climate Action 2023
Publication date 14 Nov 2023

The State of Climate Action 2023 provides the world’s most comprehensive roadmap of how to close the gap in climate action across sectors to limit global warming to 1.5°C. It finds that recent progress toward 1.5°C-aligned targets isn’t happening at the pace and scale necessary and highlights where action must urgently accelerate this decade to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, scale up carbon removal and increase climate finance.

Climate Action Tracker Briefing: Pulling the Plug on Fossils in Power
Publication date 19 Sep 2023

In this briefing, we present 1.5°C benchmarks for 16 countries - Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, EU27, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Türkiye, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, the UK, and the US – and assess whether they are on track to meet them.

Kein Fortschritt: Klimaschutzpolitik im deutschen Verkehrssektor entspricht weiterhin etwa 3°C globaler Erwärmung​
Publication date 23 Aug 2023

Diese Studie zeigt auf Basis der aktuellen Emissionsprojektionen aus dem August 2023, dass die Bundesregierung ihre Zusage zur Einhaltung der 1,5°C-Grenze und des Pariser Abkommens bricht. Insbesondere der Verkehrssektor verzeichnet massiv überhöhte Treibhausgasemissionen und befindet sich derzeit auf einem Pfad zu 2,8°C globaler Erderhitzung.

Powers and capacities of state and regional governments
Publication date 11 Jul 2023

State and regional governments can play an important role in meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. This research is a first step in investigating the powers and capacities of state and regional governments to act on climate change across the world.

Expanding climate policy adoption improves national mitigation efforts
Publication date 09 Jun 2023

Despite the collective increase of policies in force, countries can still expand climate policy to use the full breadth of mitigation options available.

Climate Action Tracker Briefing: COP28 must focus on oil and gas phase-out, not distractions like CCS
Publication date 08 Jun 2023

This Climate Action Tracker briefing assesses recent action from national governments to start phasing out oil and gas production and support renewable electricity—or those that are promoting distractions like CCS.

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