Non-State Actors (NSAs) such as regions, cities, and companies are critical drivers of climate action - their collective net zero commitments and action contributes to, and helps ratchet up, national ambition. One year on from our inaugural pre-COP26 analysis, the Net Zero Tracker will launch a stocktake of the quantity and quality of net zero pledges committed by Non-State Actors globally.

The event discussed how the net zero world is coming into sharper focus, through more convergence (of net zero standards), enhanced context (of what matters) and increased credibility (of entities' targets).

Areas discussed:

  • Major target-setting momentum was identified in sub-national governments and the largest listed businesses prior to COP26, how has this evolved in the last year?
  • Not all net zero pledges have to be the created equal, but how can target-setting practice improve so that all targets include the basic details necessary for delivery?
  • How do the recommendations of the UN Expert Group on Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities relate to the current status of net zero targets?
  • Where can target-setting "ambition loops" be found in the global economy, and how can these be replicated to accelerate the transition?


  • Dr. Thomas Hale, Prof., the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford (chair)
  • Dr. Niklas Höhne, Prof., NewClimate Institute
  • John Lang, Net Zero Tracker lead, Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit
  • Silke Mooldijk, NewClimate Institute

Press conference started at 17h00 EET / 16h00 CET.

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