How can business and society contribute to increased resilience, adaptation and mitigation? We explored nature-based solutions and carbon capture, decarbonization of industries and how digitalization and finance act as enablers.

The event started at 15h30 local time / 14h30 CET.

15:30 EET – Section I: Framing the Science of Solutions on Adaptation and Mitigation

  • Prof. Dr. Niklas Höhne, NewClimate Institute
  • Prof. Dr. Johan Rockström, Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Michael Wolosin, Managing Director, NCS Roadmap, Conservation International

16:00 EET – Section II: The Solutions - Nature-based Solutions & Carbon Removal

  • Eron Bloomgarden, CEO, Emergent
  • Dr. Shobha Maharaj, Science Director, Terraformation
  • Erik Rylander, Head of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Stockholm Exergi
  • Kevin Juma, Lead Forestry Specialist, Africa Region, The Nature Conservancy
  • Pedro Martins Barata, Associate Vice President, Carbon Markets and Private Sector Decarbonization, Environmental Defense Fund
  • Emelie Öhlander, Climate Action Program Manager, Ericsson

16:40 EET – Section III: Decarbonizing Industry with Digitalization

  • Kate Brandt, Chief Sustainability Officer, Google
  • Patrick Blankers, Sustainability manager, Ericsson
  • Patrick Flynn, SVP, Global Head of Sustainability, Salesforce
  • Johan Falk, CEO & Co-founder, Exponential Roadmap Initiative
  • Åsa Tamson, Senior Vice President of Ericsson
  • Mats Pellbäck-Scharp, Head of Sustainability at Ericsson
  • Steven Moore, Director of Environment Agency operations
  • Jennie Cato, Head of Public Affairs and Partnerships at Scania
  • Morten Wierod, Managing Director of Business Unit Drives and Executive Committee Member at ABB
  • Niklas Gustafsson, Chief Sustainability Officer & Head of Corporate Affairs at Volvo Group
  • Jane Akumu, Programme Management Officer, UNEP
  • Ayub Osman, Head of Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, Ericsson Middle East & Africa, Ericsson

17:40 EET– Section IV: Finance

  • Mattias Frumerie, Sweden's Head of Delegation at UNFCC
  • Ayub Osman, Head of Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility, Ericsson Middle East & Africa, Ericsson
  • Karin Wessman, Head of Sustainability, EKN, the Swedish Export Credit Agency

18:00 EET– Section V: Policy Discussion

  • Romina Pourmokhtari, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden
  • Mattias Frumerie, Sweden's Head of Delegation at UNFCC
  • Sherri Goodman, Vice Chair of the US Secretary of State's International Security Advisory Board
  • Sophia Kianni, member of UN's General Secretary's Youth Advisory Group
  • Judith Gough CMG, British Ambassador to Sweden

18:30 EET – End

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